Girls Girls Girls. What would we do without them? Below we are going to look at 5 different age ranges and come up with some ideas for each age range that can be good for a few years. Little bitty girls just have to deal with what we give them, but let them start to grow and have their own agenda and it includes the decorating of their bedrooms.
Decorating ideas for girls bedrooms range from the simplest to the most complex. It all depends on the age of your daughter. when they are born on up to 3 or 4 they are not hard to please but that all starts to change as they age a little. I think it is called getting a mind of your own. Below we are going to discuss 5 age ranges and 5 ideas that could possibly get you through until they go off to college.

1. Newborn to three this is probably the easiest and most enjoyable one you will ever do.
My suggestion would to use a poke-a-dot theme. Example..paint the wall a soft green and then paint dots on it in colors like pink,yellow or blue.
2. Four to Six Flower theme. This is and easy one because if you plan ahead and place the poke-a-dots in the right places for your newborn you can now use the poke-a-dots for the center for large flowers. Large flowers or small ones make a very pretty wall for 4-6 year age group.
3. Seven To Ten Paint the room a color of your little girls choice and use a rainbow theme. You can paint the rainbow yourself because the lines do not have to be perfect. This too makes a very delightful room for your little girl.
4. Eleven To Thirteen At 11 to 13 your little girl is not little anymore and has a mind of her own. Let her pick out what color she wants her walls and then let her choose wall words to create the theme she is going for. there is no doubt that by now she has a hero or is a fan of some TV personality.
5. Fourteen To Eighteen Use a Rock star theme for your teen. This will be sure to be a hit. Let them pick the rock star. They even make Kids murals for several rock stars that you could use or paint the bedroom and then add posters,wall words and pictures. Your teen will love you and hate to leave for college.
Well that 18 years has passed by way to quick. These are decorating ideas for girls bedrooms and every stage in your daughters life will be an adventure for you and her. Hold your children close and never let one moment of their lives pass you by. I love to decorate but I love the little children more. Children are a joy and no matter what kind of bedrooms they have they will love you always. Decorate your home and your daughters bedrooms to bring you all the joy you can from the home you share. Decorate it your way because “Your Story Begins at home.”
My suggestion would to use a poke-a-dot theme. Example..paint the wall a soft green and then paint dots on it in colors like pink,yellow or blue.
2. Four to Six Flower theme. This is and easy one because if you plan ahead and place the poke-a-dots in the right places for your newborn you can now use the poke-a-dots for the center for large flowers. Large flowers or small ones make a very pretty wall for 4-6 year age group.
3. Seven To Ten Paint the room a color of your little girls choice and use a rainbow theme. You can paint the rainbow yourself because the lines do not have to be perfect. This too makes a very delightful room for your little girl.
4. Eleven To Thirteen At 11 to 13 your little girl is not little anymore and has a mind of her own. Let her pick out what color she wants her walls and then let her choose wall words to create the theme she is going for. there is no doubt that by now she has a hero or is a fan of some TV personality.
5. Fourteen To Eighteen Use a Rock star theme for your teen. This will be sure to be a hit. Let them pick the rock star. They even make Kids murals for several rock stars that you could use or paint the bedroom and then add posters,wall words and pictures. Your teen will love you and hate to leave for college.
Well that 18 years has passed by way to quick. These are decorating ideas for girls bedrooms and every stage in your daughters life will be an adventure for you and her. Hold your children close and never let one moment of their lives pass you by. I love to decorate but I love the little children more. Children are a joy and no matter what kind of bedrooms they have they will love you always. Decorate your home and your daughters bedrooms to bring you all the joy you can from the home you share. Decorate it your way because “Your Story Begins at home.”